Chemiteczymes is the leading company on the technical field of developing and improving the qualities of all types of flour for more than twenty years. We always innovate to meet the needs of consumers through our products from international companies.

Novozymes-egde-fortitech -soja Austria-



We transfer the quality of flour after Milling from (control) flour to processed and improved flour suitable for use in products desired by the consumer (high-quality baked goods, pastries, cakes, biscuits, wafers, pasta…etc.)




Our teems are We are at customer service 24hours all week through highly experienced and qualified work teams of engineers and bakers, at our own laboratories that analyze the quality of wheat and flour by analyzing the chemical, physical and rheological properties of the flour and applying the results and mixtures. We are equipped with the highest equipment in baking to obtain the best results. We are compatible with the Egyptian market






















































































